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  • Observatorio Agrario| Defensa de Campesinos | México

    Top of Page Home Incio Observatorio Agrario Nuestros proyectos Contact Home Incio ... Ownership exists for partnerships, not partnerships for ownership. Societies have a material and objective existence: property is only a subjective notion. This being the case, the limits of property must not go beyond where the vital needs of society require it. Andrés Molina Enriquez. Observatorio Agrario Observatorio Agrario A.C. The Mexican countryside of the XXI century requires a new reflection regarding Agrarian Development, its institutions (SEDATU, PA, INSUS, RAN, FIFONAFE), agrarian jurisdiction (TSA and TUA's) and rural Development (SADER and Secretary of Well-being, SEGALMEX , Financial National Agricultural Development, FIRA) in an integral way; recontextualizing agrarity in all its dimensions and making effective the Human Rights of the peasant from a conventional and constitutional source . ​ Social Property 102 million hectares comprises just over 51% of the total national territory; which is made up of more than 32,000 Agrarian nuclei (ejidos, communities, agricultural colonies ) and, more than 5 million surface rights holders (ejidatarios, comuneros, possessors, residents, nationalists). ​ The relevance of Social Property is beyond its sole economic potential. In the territory of the Ejidos and Agrarian Communities are: ​ Most of the arable land with livestock and agroindustrial potential ; Most of our jungles and forests; The lands that cities require for their development and growth; The regularization of most of the houses without deeds / property title; Most of the national water resources; The coasts with tourist potential; Mining and energy resources and deposits . ​ But above all, in the ejido and communal lands are the country's agri - food sovereignty . More than 30 million Mexicans live there and the roots of our indigenous origin. ​ The Agrarian Reparto is the synthesis of the history of post-revolutionary Mexico, on which the modernity that we enjoy today is built. Nuestros proyectos Nuestros Proyectos Indicadores del Sector Agrario We will evaluate the performance of the Institutions of the Agrarian Sector, generating indicators that allow us to identify the opportunities and challenges of the Sector. We will observe that the subjects and agrarian nuclei receive quality attention from their Institutions, to face the challenges of global Mexico. Guia para la defensa de los Derechos de los campesinos. The enforceability and guarantee of the Human Rights of Peasants begins with its dissemination and knowledge. ​ We carry out a guide with Human Rights and the Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights of the constitutional and conventional source of the peasants . The same guide contains the means to demand the rights through the respective legal channels. Indicadores de la Justicia Agraria Mexicana Constitutional Article 27 orders the Administration of Agrarian Justice, through Courts endowed with Autonomy and Full Jurisdiction. The Agrarian Justice Office is in charge of the branch's Office, which due to its institutional design has the functions of Agrarian Ambudsman. We will observe its operation in favor of the Mexican Agrarian Subjects and Nuclei, we will develop indicators and diagnoses, with full awareness of their problems and challenges. Aplicación Integra para los campesinos. In order for peasants in the social sector to improve their living and working conditions for the sake of national food sovereignty and security, they must receive resources, strategies for production and marketing of their products in an agile and direct way . ​ We are developing an application to make resources available to the social field directly and in favor of the peasants. ​ In the same way, we are developing strategies to strengthen agro-productive information systems to integrate strategies of Desarrollo Agrario y Desarrollo Rural Sustentable El Desarrollo Agrario mexicano, forma parte de las funciones y atribuciones de la administración Pública Federal por medio de la SEDATU. ​ Al día de hoy, el Desarrollo Agrario requiere de contenido presupuestal, territorial y políticas publicas definidas para materializar el desarrollo de la propiedad social y de los campesinos sociales mexicanos. ​ E mprenderemos foros y espacios de discusión para proponer policías publicas, reformas legislativas y nueva normativa para que los derechos humanos de los campesinos se materialicen en los ejidos, las comunidades, las colonias agrícolas, en beneficio de ejidatarios, comuneros, jornaleros y familias campesinas. ​ Código Procesal Agrario Contact Contáctanos Observatorio Agrario A.C. Av. Baja California 281-204; Colonia Hipódromo Condesa, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México. CP 06140 Tel 55 6842 0669 Email: ¡Tus datos se enviaron con éxito! Enviar Volver arriba

  • Documentos | Observatorio Agrario

    El cuarto foro de derecho agrario realizado en la antigua casona de Xicoténcatl, Ciudad de México, es la conclusión de una serie de trabajos académicos, técnicos y de discusión, respecto del Derecho agrario, su sujetos y la propiedad Social, respecto de sus diversas interacciones en la realidad del México contemporáneo. Compartimos con ustedes las conclusiones de dichos foros, para su análisis, y abrieron un debate más dentro del derecho agrario nacional. Muchas gracias a todos por su asistencia, por su colaboración, pero sobre todo por poner a la vanguardia derecho agrario mexicano. Conclusiones de los Foros sobre Derecho Agrario. Descargalo

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